
R-Cycle, PCR and Craddle-to-Craddle


R-Cycle at Kautex

Used and disposed of food packaging is turned into new food packaging – an example of the benefits of a single-variety circular economy. This requires an open and globally applicable standard for tracing plastic packaging. This is the goal set by the R-Cycle Initiative, founded in 2020. Kautex is part of a cross-company project team that is exploring a single-variety recycling economy in practice using the example of our plastic bottles and canisters. Our project partners include Braskem S.A., Morssinkhof-Rymoplast and Kautex Maschinenbau GmbH.

Use of PCR

PCR Produkte für Kunden Kiehl

PCR* at Kautex

We are also making our contribution and helping to promote the circular economy by offering products from our standard range made of PCR. For our customer Kiehl, we mass-produce the 5 l canister from 100 % HDPE PCR material.

*Post-Consumer-Recyceltes material

Interested in products made from PCR? Feel free to contact us.

Kautex Circular economy - PCR material

What drives us?

Environment protection

The circular economy enables a more efficient use of raw materials. This leads to a reduction of CO2-emissions and to a reduced usage of mineral oil.

Scarcity of resources

Since our resources are limited, and demand continues to rise due to a growing world population the circular economy offers a significant contribution to the reduction of plastic waste.

Our Experience!

  • Test facilitywith retrieval system, presses, transport and manufacturing
  • Quality standards like “virgin” material
  • Continous contact with recyclate manufacturers for maximum product quality


Kundeneigene Kreisläufe PCR

One highly effective way to reduce the use of fossil raw materials is to establish a circular economy directly in the B2B area. Kautex is already conducting successful pilot projects with its customers.

Your product will be produced, used, disposed of, collected, washed, crushed, and reused: the recycled raw material is turned into your product again. 


Interested in a circular economy for your product? Feel free to contact us.